Tallent, who's real name is Alrick Francis, was born and raise in Clarendon, Jamaica, mainly by his great grandmother. The artist endured a lot while growing up but it did not stop him from pushing ahead.
Tallent, academically, has achieved a lot while going to school. At the Hayes Primary and Junior High School, in Hayes, Clarendon, Jamaica, Tallent had the privilege of topping his entire grade three years consecutively (grades 7-9) and graduated as the Head Boy of the same institution.
The artist continued his education at Vere Technical High School, Clarendon, where he yet again became not just the Deputy Head Boy, but the Head Boy as well. Time would not permit us to speak further of his achievements at said institution.
Moving ahead, Tallent went to The University of Technology, Jamaica where he pursued a Bachelor's Degree in Marketing. All other achievements would have to be another subject matter.
But one may ask, "Why music"? Tallent's love for music was developed as young as five (5) years old and blossomed into what it is today. Back then, songs like 'Hi Grace', 'Planted Like A Tree' and 'G-D is on the Job' was loved by many. Today, Tallent has chose a different path, in terms of his music career.
The 'No Worry' artist has gone into producing and now owns his record label; Tallent Records. Also, the artist is a father, husband, entrepreneur and much more!
"I do not brag about my achievements because they do not have any bearings on my salvation. I agree with Sholiach Sha'ul (Apostle Paul) when he says all that he knows he count it as nothing. I have decided to give up everything that I have achieved for the sole purpose of building the Kingdom of the Most High. Music is powerful and I believe that it has the potential to reach many. I am not the greatest producer, mix and mastering engineer, vocalist and songwriter, but once what I produce is from the Most High and can be proven by Scripture, that is enough to keep me going" ~ Tallent
Tallent has recently released two of his latest singles, 'Undone' and 'No Worry' and he is about to release another single, 'Grateful' in the coming days.
Shalom (peace)!